In the resulting pop-up window, select Machine Folders in the Folders List and then click the "Add a New Shared Folder Definition" button (the blue folder with a green "+" sign icon to the right of the Folders List).

In VirtualBox Manager, select Shared Folders Settings. Setup: VirtualBox 4.3.26, Win 7 SP1 host, Debian jessie 8.0 (stable) guest. Sudo mount -t vboxsf -o "nosuid,uid=$MY_UID,gid=$MY_GID" "$SHARED_FOLDER" "$MOUNT_POINT" ( set -x sudo VBoxControl sharedfolder list ) | \ # Discover VirtualBox shared folders and mount them if it makes senseĮcho 'VirtualBox Guest Additions NOT found' > /dev/stderr If your home folder inside your guest contains folders having same name as VirtualBox shared folders, you can mount them automatically with following shell script : #!/bin/sh
Inside a Linux or Mac OS X VirtualBox guest, once you have installed the VirtualBox Guest Additions, you can discover the available VirtualBox shared folders with following command : sudo VBoxControl sharedfolder list To confirm the change, use get: sudo VBoxControl guestproperty get /VirtualBox/GuestAdd/SharedFolders/MountDir Sudo VBoxControl guestproperty set /VirtualBox/GuestAdd/SharedFolders/MountDir /home/toto/ use the following command to set the VirtualBox shared folder guestproperty:

For example, to change the mount point from /media/sf_. The command is installed when Guest Additions is installed. You can change where the folder is mounted by using the VBoxControl command. This is done by changing the vboxsf line in the /etc/group file.

You can access the share by making the user, or group id of 1000, a member of group vboxsf. The default mount location is in /media/sf_. The issue becomes that the mount point may not be where desired, and the permissions are root only. In the Linux guest, the mount command should show a line that the share was mounted. Make sure VirtualBox Guest Additions are installed in the VirtualBox guest. Use the VirtualBox host's application, VirtualBox Manager, to specify host folders to share. For VirtualBox with a Linux guest, these are the steps to mount a shared folder: